Thursday, 5 May 2016

Press for Conversion!

My friend Richard Sanders, an Ottawa peace activist, has just released issue #68 of Press for Conversion! magazine published by The Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT).

The theme of this current issue is: ‘Captive Canada’ which explores Canada's shameful history of mass civilian captivity from reservations to forced-labour camps. Sanders highlights social and psychological forms of internment that continually evolve to enslave people's hearts and minds.

He says arrogant ‘fairy tales’ mask our reality. The mythical gospels of the ‘Peaceable Kingdom’, ‘Christian values’, ‘Canadian values’, and ‘peace, multiculturalism, human rights and democracy’ are used as a cover for ‘Canadian exceptionalism’.

Find articles and back issues on COAT's website.

Sanders says the goal of his work ‘is to develop a theory of social control and cultural change that can explain how national myths and narratives can entice good, well-meaning people into supporting horrendous state crimes.'

1 comment:

  1. Ed Lehman, 5 May 2016 (Restored)8 March 2021 at 16:02

    For many years I was aware of Richard Sander's work to expose the armaments industry in Canada. His work with the Coalition Against the Arms Trade has been ground-breaking. Now he has courageously taken his readers on an eye-opening journey exposing national myths and narratives used to support colonialism and modern day imperialism. Well done Richard!
