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USA (Uncle Sam) is painting a picture in your head (propaganda). Cartoon by Alexey Talimonov |
Fact-checking journalists are hired to disinfect news, and government use of social media is growing. See research reported by Ryan Androsoff (Feb 18) and Craig Silverman (Feb 10).
Listed below are articles and websites we personally recommend, with independent news from and about world politics and the peace movement. This list is broader and in addition to items posted on Spirit-Wrestlers.com, it will save a lot of emailing. Check for updates. Old stories will be deleted as new ones are posted. Credit is given to contributors. Leave comments below, and send your recommended article links to kjtarasoff@gmail.com.
- 2015 June 15 — Ukraine and the Apocalyptic Risk of Propagandized Ignorance, by David Swanson, World Beyond War. (KT)
- 2015 April 14 — 'Ukraine: The Truth', by Gary Leupp, CounterPunch. (KT)
- 2015 April 15 — 'Why We Must Return to the US-Russian Parity Principle,' by Stephen F. Cohen, Common Dreams. (KT)
- 2015 April 10 — THE WEST vs RUSSIA (1.5 hour video), Monk Debate, Toronto. "The West should engage not isolate Russia." Pro: Stephen F. Cohen, Vladimir Pozner. Con: Anne Applebaum, Garry Kasparov.
- 2015 March 1 — The Reckless Lies of War Mongers. Why the Rise of Fascism is Again the Issue, by John Pilger, in CounterPunch. (JP)
- 2015 March 25 — What If Web Search Results Were Based On Accuracy?, by Adam Frank, National Public Radio, USA.
- 2015 March 22 — Ukraine – A Creationist Museum? OR Why the West is losing the Information War, by Dr. Ivaylo Grouev, Professor of Political Science, University of Ottawa, ON.
- 2015 February 22—'Interventionism Kills: Post-Coup Ukraine One Year Later.' Ron Paul Institute. (JP)
- 2015 February 22 — Ukraine and Russia: Prospects for Peace, University of Toronto, hosted by Science for Peace, an all-day symposium on the conflict in Ukraine, its background, and potential solutions.
- 2015 Feb 20 — Putin the Improviser, Wall Street Journal. (AC)
- 2015 Feb 18 — Measuring government impact in a social media world, by Arthur Mickoleit & Ryan Androsoff, Digital government policy analysts, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Paris, France. (RA)
- 2015 Feb 16 — Diagnosis & Prognosis: Assessing the Ukrainian Conflict-Formation from a Peace-Research Perspective, Naakow Grant-Hayford. Transcend Media Service. (KT)
- 2015 Feb 13 — Russia’s rise: Far from being marginalized, Russia is winning friends and trading partners around the world, National Post. (GS)
- 2015 Feb 11 — Edward Snowden Has Been Good for the USA, Forbes. (AC)
- 2015 Feb 10 — Lies, Damn Lies and Viral Content: How news websites spread (and debunk) online rumors, unverified claims, and misinformation, by Craig Silverman, Tow Center for Digital Journalism, Columbia Journalism School, New York, NY. Conference video. (begins at min. 28:30) (AC)
- 2015 Feb 10 — With New Moves, Russia's Parliament Looks To Rewrite History, NPR. (AC)
- 2015 Feb 10 — Wretched US Journalism on Ukraine, Robert Parry. Consortium News.
- 2015 Feb 10 — The French Debate: Free Speech Versus Hate Speech, NPR. (AC)
- 2015 Feb 10 — Ukraine Crisis in Maps: A visual guide to the continuing conflict, New York Times. (AC)
- 2015 Feb 10 — Ukraine Parliament Passes Law Allowing Officers to Shoot Disobedient Troops, Russia Insider. (JP)
- 2015 Feb 9 — After Ukriane, What Comes Next?, The American Interest. (SZ)
- 2015 Feb 7 — Ukrainians Who Are Choosing Not to Kill and Die in Donbass War, Russia Insider. (JP)
- 2015 Feb 7 — Talks in Moscow - a two-part analysis, by Alexander Mercouris, The Vineyard of the Saker. (JP)
- 2015 Feb 5 — U.S. Could Stand To Lose A Lot By Getting Involved In Ukraine, NPR. (AC)
- 2015 Feb 4 — Chomsky And Kissinger Agree: Avoid Historic Tragedy In Ukraine, MintPress News. (JP)
- 2015 Feb 4 — Edward Snowden speaks to Toronto students, urges caution on new terror bill, The Canadian Press. (JP)
- 2015 Feb 4 — US Deliberately Pushing Russia into New Cold War, Says Gorbachev, IBT - International Business Times. (JP)
- 2015 Feb 1 — The Meme of "Russian Aggression", Oliver Tickell. CounterPunch.
- 2015 Jan 30 — US Media Coverage of Ukraine: 'Group Thinking' the World into a New War, Robert Parry. Consortium News. Global Research. (KT)
- 2015 Jan 29 — Translation is New Weapon in Propaganda War, Michele A. Berdy. Moscow Times. (JW)
- 2015 Jan 26 — Russia In The Cross Hairs, Paul Craig Roberts. (KT)
- 2015 Jan 21 — Ukraine shuts down the border to stop the exodus of cannon fodder, Mianews.ru (translated on Fortruss). (JP)
- 2015 Jan 20 — Murdering Journalists… Them and Us, The Anti-Empire Report #136, William Blum. Dissident Voice. (BV)
- 2017 Dec 13 — Media Malpractice Is Criminalizing Better Relations With Russia, The Nation, — Stephen F. Cohen, professor emeritus of Russian studies and politics at New York University and Princeton University, explains how media manufactures 'collusion with the Kremlin'.
- ActCityOttawa. Weekly news feeds of digileak global and Canada. Focus: social issues, culture, and media. (KT)
- Al Jeezera English. English version of the Arabic-language news network. Breaking news and features plus background material including profiles and global reactions. (LE)
- Awakening the Peacemaker Within — Paul Maillet, Accredited Peace Professional and President of Center for Ethics. (PM)
- Boundary Peace Initiative — Kootenay BC region peace news with special events, archives, articles, and links to other peace sites and videos. A Site of the Canadian Peace Alliance and other groups. (LS)
- Canadaland. A weekly podcast of media watch hosted by Jesse Brown. Old Canada vs. New Canada. (PB)
- Common Dreams — 'Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community.' 'Our Mission:
To inform. To inspire. To ignite change for the common good.' (KT) - CounterPunch. Independent investigative journalism. (KT)
- Emergent — A real-time rumor tracker which rates news stories as : True, Unverifird or False. Founder/Editor: Craig Silverman, journalist-entrepreneur, author and media critic based in Montreal, Canada. (AC)
- Fort Russ — includes other links to Russian TV, Sputnik, Russian Insider, and others. Fort Russ is a team blog of dedicated volunteer translators and analysts, who bring you Russian, as well as Polish, German, French, Greek and Italian translations of the best news, analysis, bloggers and social media pertaining to Russia, Ukraine, former USSR and geopolitical balance in the world today. (IG)
- Global Center for Nonkilling — 'Nonkilling is THE Measure of Human Progress.' Hundreds of respected scholars and activists with wide interdisciplinary experience have compiled an impressive body of knowledge that has uncovered some remarkable conclusions. (KT)
- Global Research — Michel Chossudovsky's website with his own and other non-mainstream articles. The professor does not police everything that's posted there but there's a disclaimer saying that the person who posted it is responsible for the content. Chossudovsky is President and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization. (MH)
- Historians Against War — By historians, teachers and scholars who oppose the expansion of United States empire and the doctrine of pre-emptive war that led to the occupation of Iraq; they deplore the secrecy, deception and distortion of history. (KT)
- Information Clearing House — World News Daily. Not-for-profit — for global justice since 2001. (IG)
- International Peace Bureau — Dedicated to building a world without war. 'Our current main programme centres on Disarmament for Sustainable Development and within this, our focus is mainly on the reallocation of military expenditure. (KT)
- NPR — National Public Radio, USA. Articles and radio broadcasts by independent reporters. (AC)
- Paul Craig Roberts — Institute for Political Economy. Economics professor, writer (10+ books), journalist, USA Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal, consultant to Departments of Defense and Commerce. (KT)
- PBS — Public Broadcasting System, USA. Extensive collection of reports, in depth stories, and news. One of the most popular programs is Democracy Now hosted by Amy Goodman. (AC)
- rabble.ca — 'News for the rest of us.' Progressive journalists, writers, artists and activists across the country. A non-profit organization launched in 2001. (KT)
- RT International— Besides 24-hour live TV news, tabs cover News, USA, UK, Russian Politics, Business, Op-Edge (editorials), In vision (photo-journalism), In motion (video), Shows, Bulletin Board, More. Ads are minimal. Founded 2005 by Autonomous Nonprofit Organization 'TV-Novosti.' Check for rumors debunked by StopFake.org (below) (DT)
- Russia Insider — Full news website with tabs covering Politics, Business, Culture, TV, Media, special Topics and editorials in the 'Bullpen'. Founded by an American editor Charles Bausman in Moscow in 2014. (DT)
- StopFake.org — Struggle against fake information about events in Ukraine, in Russian and English. Launched March 2, 2014 by alumni and students of Mohyla School of Journalism and of the Digital Future of Journalism. Does not represent or support any political party or other organization. (AC)
- Storyful blog— Professional news company that discovers, verifies and acquires social media for newsrooms, brands and video producers. The free blog offers tips and story research examples. (AC)
- Tom Dispatch — Launched 2001, then a project of The Nation Institute as 'a regular antidote to the mainstream media .... to offer a clearer sense of how this imperial globe of ours actually works.' (KT)
- TRANSCEND Media Service — 'Solutions-Oriented Peace Journalism' founded 2008. Edited by Antonio C.S. Rosa. Features a free course: 'Study Peace Online.' Non-profit, open-source, research, articles, video, global perspective. It is part of Transcend International founded in 1993 by Johan Galtung and Fumiko Nishimora as a conflict mediation organization. (KT)
- The Duran — Does news, commentary, audio and video. News and smart analysis on everything you need to know. (KT)
- The Intercept — Launched in February 2014 by First Look Media 'to produce fearless, adversarial journalism across a wide range of issues.' (PB)
- The Tyee — Award winning long-form journalism since 2003. Reviews British Columbia and Canada's mainstream media for stories and solutions big media ignores. (KT)
- Vice News — Global news, 35 Bureaus around the world where Vice broadcasts in-depth documentaries about current topics. Founded in December 2013 as a division of Vice Media, which has 5 percent funding from Rupert Murdoch's corporation. (LE)
- World Beyond War — A global movement to end all wars. Tabs for Myths, Why, How, Videos, Sign Pledge, Donate, Maps. (KT)
- RA — Ryan Androsoff, Paris, France.
- PB — Peter Biesterfeld, Toronto, ON.
- AC — Andrei Conovaloff, Arizona, USA.
- LE — Larry Ewashen, Creston, BC.
- IG — Ivaylo Grouev, Ottawa, ON.
- MH — Mary-Sue Haliburton, Ottawa, ON.
- PM — Paul Maillet, Ottawa, ON.
- JP — Dmitri (Jim) Popoff, Grand Forks, BC.
- LS — Laura Savinkoff, Grand Forks, BC.
- GS — Gunter Schaarschmidt, Victoria, BC.
- DT — Don Tarasoff, Victoria, BC.
- KT — Koozma J. Tarasoff, Ottawa, ON.
- BV — Barry Verigin, Grand Forks, BC.
- JW —John W. Woodsworth, Ottawa, ON.
- SZ — Sergei Zhuk, Indiana, USA.
A good list: I would add Forbidden Knowledge, Vice News, Democracy Now, and Al Jeezera.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI found Lawrence Solomon's 'Russia's Rise' in the National Post (FP
ReplyDeleteComment, Friday, February 13, 2015) very refreshing. Would like to send
this to Herr Harper! Solomon writes about the alleged isolation of Putin
and Russia:
'Some isolation. Putin's Russia, despite the country's economic woes, is
today more influential, and held in higher regard on the world stage, than
it has been in a generation.'
Congratulations on your well-researched blog!
Thanks much for your material. It should help a lot of folks get reliable information.I suppose you are connected with Dr. Bill Yoder in Moscow who regular sends releases on the Ukraine/Russia situation. Tries to offer conciliating ideas and help people find other ways than picking a side and struggle from one point of view only.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the list
ReplyDeleteI enjoy these websites:For israel-palestine, Norman Finkelstein. World news-Eric Margolis. World news- the all time favourite, Noam Chomsky.
You might want to look at them yourself before recommending to others; Norman Finkelstein is controversial (never gets exposure in the US, and banned from visiting israel).
On April 10th, the Monk Debate from Toronto featured THE WEST vs RUSSIA. It is now available on line on Livestream at http://munkdebates.com/live. This 1.5 hour session brought out 3,000 people to the debate and is worth watching. What impressed me is the urgent need to cooperate with Russia and engage it intelligently to participate as a legitimate country on the world stage. To isolate Russia is a reckless policy which could threaten the world order with nuclear holocaust.