Read it free online at 150canadianpeacestories.com
‘We wanted to hear the voices of Canadians, and how they are contributing to a culture of peace,’ says Mony Dojeiji, member of the volunteer committee who gathered these stories. ‘The main criteria were that the stories be true and concise, fitting on one page.
From almost 200 submissions, 150 were chosen by an independent review committee for this book. We are honoured to bring them to you.’
There are stories expressed in prose, poetry and song. Stories that are joyful and funny. Stories that are sad and heart-wrenching. All inspire and invite reflection.
Stories take place in the schoolyard, homes and communities, and on the international scene, documenting Canada’s role in development and diplomacy.
The online book website links to a blog (for comments) and 17 story categories (shown here in alphabetical order):
- ADR/ Restorative Justice/ Mediation
- Business/ Private Sector
- Children and Youth
- Education
- Environment
- Family/ Relationship
- French/ Francais
- Heath/ Medical
- Indigenous/ First Nations
- Innovation/ Cutting Edge
- International/ Development Assistance
- NGO's/ Civil Society/ Co-op/ Unions
- Protest/ Activism
- Spirituality/ Inner Peace/ Reflections
- The Arts
- United Nations/ Peacekeeping/ Governance
- Women in Peace
Submission of stories is not closed. Readers are invited to submit their stories which could be added to the website.
The book can be purchased at Amazon.com in paperback and Kindle e-book, or by contacting the organizers in Ottawa at 150peacestories@gmail.com. Images available upon request.
Project Organizers
- Civilian Peace Service Canada assesses and accredits peace professionals. Gord and performing poet Evelyn.
- Spirit-Wrestlers shares the history and contributions of the Doukhobors and works for a world without wars.
- Walking for Peace pilgrim Mony Dojeiji writes and publishes books that inspire.
- 150 Canadian Stories of Peace, Spirit-Wrestlers Blog, 1 May 2017.
- Press Release in English and French
- 150 Canadian Stories of Peace ~ What is Yours? ~ in English and French
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Website: 150 Canadian Stories of Peace.
- Facebook: 150 Canadian Stories of Peace
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